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Climbing in Snowdonia
Rock ClimbingLake DistrictPeak DistrictSnowdonia

Intro to Outdoor Climbing Day


Looking to get started in the wonderful world of outdoor climbing?

This course is perfect for beginners and those with some experience climbing indoors. We will focus on giving you all the skills and knowledge you need to get started. You’ll progress at your own pace with experienced instructors on hand to offer guidance and support, and before you know it you’ll be scaling crags like a pro!

ActivitiesBeginnersCoursesLake DistrictNorth WalesOn RockRock ClimbingSnowdonia
Rock Cimbing in the Lake District
Rock ClimbingPeak District

Outdoor Group Rock Climbing Experience In The Peak District


Fancy something a bit different?

If you’ve never rock climbed before, this Outdoor Group Rock Climbing Experience In The Peak District is perfect for you.

Rock climbing is a fantastic way to get active and have fun outdoors. Our taster session is perfect for those who want to try it out before committing to a full-day course. You’ll learn the basics of movement on rock, making your way to the top safety attached to a tight rope.

ActivitiesBeginnersLake DistrictOn RockRock Climbingtaster sessions